The word of the director
The year 2024 came to a close with the 80th anniversary of the Chicago Convention on December 7. It was surely a beautiful ceremony for the ICAO members who visited the historic site of its signature in Chicago. For us, it was an opportunity to recall the profound meaning of civil aviation cited in the preamble to the Convention: to foster, through the development of international civil aviation, the creation and preservation of friendship and understanding among the nations and peoples of the world, and to promote between them the cooperation upon which the peace of the world depends.
France Aviation Civile Services is firmly committed to this philosophy, and the year 2024 provided many opportunities to demonstrate this. This year enabled us to successfully complete the project to develop and strengthen the Safety Oversight Authority in Haiti and, if confirmed by the next ICAO audit, to raise Haiti’s compliance score from 5% to 67% with ICAO standards. The year also saw the signing of a cooperation agreement with ICAO to launch joint actions, notably the development of an iPack, and finally, under EASA and ICAO auspices, an ambitious study on the development and operationalization of Regional Safety Oversight Organizations (RSOOs ) in the AFI region.
What does 2025 have in store for us?
Naturally, we’re going to build on our momentum and develop our offerings, continuing to focus on innovative products and services that meet the challenges of operators and civil aviation authorities around the world. I have no doubt that our PAPI calibration activities by drone will continue to expand, or that METEOR will find its audience within National Civil Aviation Authorities.
But we’re also launching new services. Building on our investments in global air transport knowledge, we are expanding our expertise and consulting capacity in this field to complement our “ATD Analytics” platform and new global air transport knowledge services.
We will continue to invest in the sustainable development of aviation, incorporating environmental considerations into all our projects and developing new services.
Finally, in 2025, we expect to put our web-based DIADEME simulation capabilities into full-scale operation, in support of certain countries moving from procedural control to radar control.
The year 2025 is brimming with new challenges, and we’re approaching it with the enthusiasm and energy that characterize our small team and our experts. We’ll certainly be working with new countries in this new year, and the start of the year looks very promising in this respect. We hope to bring our colors, our energy, and the know-how of French civil aviation to new horizons.
In conclusion, I’d like to thank all those who have been with us this year, our customers who have placed their trust in us, the whole FRACS team, the project experts, our partners, the DGAC and ENAC departments who support us on a daily basis and provide invaluable assistance, and the students we have continued to welcome.
The entire France Aviation Civile Services team joins me in wishing you and your beloved an excellent year 2025, filled with good health and many personal and professional successes. We hope to cross paths with you for a moments of genuine and pleasant cooperation.