The word of the director
What a strange year again! 2020 had been a difficult year, 2021 promised, vaccination helping, to sign if not the end of the pandemic, at least a consolidated management of it and a much lower impact on all our activities. We even believed in it after a summer rather synonymous with the resumption of traffic. And Omicron has arrived! Stronger and faster in terms of contagion but less aggressive.
For France Aviation Civile Services, its partners and all its customers, 2021 was therefore another difficult year, particularly in its first half but the second half saw new contracts signed and in particular the resumption of work with Haiti for the development of its national oversight authority.
2021 also saw the materialization of projects whose development had been launched at the end of 2020 with:
- the implementation of ATD Analytics, our global air transport analytics platform;
- the implementation of DIADEME (Digital Airspace Design and performance Modeling Environment) on concrete cases; and
- « METEOR pour FRACS ».

The outlook is therefore much better for the next year.
So, what do we expect for 2022?
This new year should be a year of consolidation with undoubtedly interesting projects to be carried out but also a significant development of our regular services activity that will benefit from the developments completed in 2021.
To this end, France Aviation Civile Services will continue to rely on its partners and its network of experts, both to feed the reflection necessary to meet the requirements of the circumstances and to develop the services best suited to the resilience and recovery of international aviation activity.
I would like to thank all those who have been by our side this year, our clients who have trusted us despite the difficulties they themselves faced, the entire FRACS team, the project experts, our partners, the DGAC and ENAC departments who supported us continuously, and the students we have continued to welcome. They allowed us to take up challenges that would have been unthinkable in the past, while respecting our values and our mission to serve the safe, secure and sustainable development of civil aviation in the world. The entire team of France Aviation Civile Services joins me in wishing you and all your beloved an excellent year 2022.