Human Factors training in Morocco: two FRACS experts take part in this course on a rotating basis

France Aviation Civile Services was approached via DTA/MCI last August by the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO) to provide human factors training for the staff of the Moroccan Air Navigation Service Provider, ONDA (Office National des Aéroports). FRACS responded favorably to this request and put together a proposal that met the client’s expectations. Two experts from our network, Kyla Zimmermann, a human factors specialist, and Fabien Guntzberger, former DSNA air traffic controller and long-time HF facilitator, were mobilized. A tailor-made training course was prepared in line with the specifications. The contract stipulated that the training would be delivered in Casablanca, Morocco, for eight groups of around fifteen participants from different ONDA sites.

The first session took place from September 30 to October 4, 2024, and the last is scheduled for January 27 to 31, 2025. After each session, FRACS debriefed with ACAO, and it appeared that the level of satisfaction was high on both sides: the trainees proved to be motivated, enthusiastic, and participative, and all validated the final assessment, while the trainers appreciated this training experience in a cultural context different from their daily lives. These training courses should benefit ONDA and help to ensure that human factors are taken into account in the aviation safety chain.

FRACS is delighted with this new project, which will enable it to diversify its activities and forge relationships with new customers. Following this series of training courses, FRACS hopes to pursue fruitful collaborations with ACAO in Morocco and in other countries where this organization operates.