First meeting of FASEP Monitoring Club at Bercy

As part of the « FASEP – Fonds d’Études et d’Aides aux Entreprises privées » (Study and Aid Fund for Private Companies) won by DSNA last July for its support project to create a National Safety Authority in Haiti, stood November 27, 2015, the first meeting of the Monitoring Club, gathering a dozen companies. The meeting allowed […]

Montreal: France speaks at IWAF

DSNA Services is honored to participate and speak at the IWAF (ICAO World Aviation Forum), to present its activities and successes in Haiti.  

Securit’Air n°2

OFNAC (Haitian Civil Aviation Authorities) is now engaged in the implementation of a safety oversight authority with the French experts. An adapted process, powerful and efficient. Under the watchful eye of ICAO.

Contract for navaids calibration in Tunisia awarded to DSNA Services

November 13, 2015 – Contract for navaids calibration in Tunisia awarded to DSNA Services Facing several European proposals, the « Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports » (OACA) has chosen DSNA Services to ensure the flight inspection of navaids in Tunisia over the next three years. This success underlines the French know-how and the synergy between […]

First meeting of the « FASEP Steering Committee » -11/27/2015

As part of FASEP project for the creation of a National Authority for Aviation Safety in Haiti, DSNA Services organizes the first meeting of the « FASEP Steering Committee» on Friday, November 27, 2015 at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. A second meeting of the « FASEP Steering Committee» is already schéduled in Port-au-Prince […]

Air Transport Data Bulletin – July 2015

Air Transport Data Bulletin – April 2015

Haïti – Ensemble n°8

Presentation of the Services de la Navigation Aérienne (SNA) action plan SNA2017