Passenger Terminal Expo & Conferences 2024: Our air traffic data solutions and PAPI calibrations by drone

For the 3rd time, FRACS took part in the PTE thanks to our professional network PROAVIA, which hosted the team on 16 and 17 April 2024 in Frankfurt. The airport industry’s biggest exhibition had over 300 exhibitors this year. At the heart of the event were the latest innovations in airport technology. From passenger flow […]

Airspace World 2024: drone calibration and environmental impact studies take centre stage!

The 2nd Airspace World exhibition was held from 19 to 21 March 2024 in Geneva. France Aviation Civile Services exhibited alongside the DSNA and presented innovative solutions for sustainable and safe ATM: PAPI calibration by drone and environmental studies with the DIADEME platform. As far as calibration is concerned, it was more than just a […]

METEOR: A First Step Towards Mozambique

As part of the FEXTE Civil Aviation project in Mozambique “Certification process for the Civil Aviation Authority and airport operations and infrastructure (safety)”, the Mozambique Civil Aviation Authority (IACM) has expressed the need for shared services between the safety oversight authority and operators to: Manage safetyoversight activities; Facilitate exchanges for the planning of surveillance acts, […]

The Ever-Evolving Landscape of Aviation: A Look at the Top 25 Busiest Airports in 2023

In the dynamic realm of aviation, where the skies are ever bustling with activity, 2023 was another step towards rebuilding traffic after the pandemic. The recently unveiled data on the busiest airports in 2023 offers a glimpse into the resilience, adaptability, and strategic prowess of these aviation giants. For the occasion, we prepared a small […]

AWARD: All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations

As part of the European project, Horizon 2020, FRACS (France Aviation Civile Services) and STAC (Service Technique de l’Aviation Civile), strongly encouraged by the DSAC, have embarked on the AWARD project on the experimentation of automated vehicles. The overall objective of the project is to test a set of sensors and systems that can enable […]

Digital Platforms & Human Expertise

For the past few years, and especially since the COVID pandemic, FRACS has been able to develop a digital strategy. Without replacing our consulting and expertise activities, it complements and consolidates our services by offering not only new capabilities but also collaboration tools useful for our various projects. The combination of our collaborative platforms with […]

The Word of the Director

Indeed!! For ten years now, France Aviation Civile Services, alias DSNA Services, has been developing its activities around the world. 10 years of various projects, cooperation, and initiatives. 10 years of beautiful encounters around the world. 10 years of confronting the reality of the world. 10 years of growing and gaining experience. During these ten […]

FRACS Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

2023 marked the tenth year of FRACS’ existence and was the occasion for a wonderful evening in Toulouse on December 14, when we had the pleasure of welcoming all those who have made FRACS a success. Our founders, experts, employees and former employees all came together to celebrate this anniversary. The evening gave us the […]