2022 has been a year of challenges and new horizons for Air Transport Data!

Three years after the integration of our databases to France Aviation Civile Services, there is no time to rest on our achievements. The air transport world is an environment in full transformation in the light of recent events, and our services must evolve in line with its needs. With those facts in mind, our database […]

The word of the director

What to wish you and us on this new beginning year 2023? That we return to a peaceful situation, that the economic situation be favourable or that the aviation sector is strengthening in a sustainable way? Maybe all at once!! The year 2022 was marked by the advent of a major war in Europe and […]

Sudan selects FRACS to support its eTOD project

The Sudan Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) is launching the deployment of Digital Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) at 4 international airports: Khartoum (HSSK), Port Sudan (HSPN), Nyala (HSNN) and El Obeid (HSOB).  France Aviation Civile Services (FRACS) is honored to have been selected to accompany SCAA for the project management and the validation of the […]

Significant progress in the development of the National Surveillance Authority in HAITI!

Last year, we informed you of the resumption of our collaboration with “l’Office National de l’Aviation Civile” (OFNAC) under the auspices of the World Bank for the development of the Supervisory Authority in Haiti. After 9 months of intensive work between the teams of OFNAC and those of France Aviation Civile Services (FRACS), we are […]

ATD Analytics

Since 2019, ATD has been constantly evolving to adapt to the trend and statistics required by this challenging period. By regularly reviewing our approach to the global air traffic situation, our database managers aim to provide reliable and useful information for your projects while customizing our offer to fit your needs. In 2022, new indicators […]

DIADEME New services for optimal airspace performance

Reducing Aviation’s environmental footprint together with dealing with the recovery of the traffic in Europe and in the world has become a necessity to well manage traffic and ensure in the same time a sustainable management of the airspace. A balanced approach integrating all components of airspace management performance is possible by taking advantage of […]


A digital solution for a greener and safer sky What is it? An e-platform, created in 2020 by Fracs, based on  simulation tools from the DSNA and specialized performance analysing tools as ELVIRA®, IMPACT… DIADEME is accessible online and offline, from anywhere in the world to support collaboration between each contributor of a project. What […]


What is it? ELVIRA® is an automated reporting tool to replay and analyse Air Traffic. ELVIRA® provides you with Safety, Environment and Capacity analysis to enhance your performance. ELVIRA® enables you to: Manage Safety: Loss of separation / safety nets, Runway incursion, Non-compliant approach, Aircraft counting` Optimize Environment: Continuous descent operations, Environmental protected volumes, dispersion […]


Check the Past – Predict the Future What is it? An e-platform, created in 2020 by Fracs & Almaz Aviation, supporting a global data sharing service that provides you with air transport data from thousands of airports worldwide. It provides you with historical data about a period of at least ten years and with the […]