Weather impact for ATM: a challenge rewarded!

Our activities with METSAFE and two upper area control centers from the French DSNA have been rewarded by the SESAR JU! The Weather Impact Prediction for ATM (WIPA) project launched last summer to address the provision of enhanced weather information and impact on traffic flows reached the second place for the SESAR Digital European Sky […]


Within the framework of one of the three joint projects between France Aviation Civile Services and Eurocontrol to contribute to the performance of air navigation, France Aviation Civile Services has been asked to provide the Brétigny Expiremental Centre with support and the skills of 7 air traffic controllers to prepare the validation of the SOL56 […]

France Aviation Civile Services and Indian Ocean Civil Aviation Safety Directorate cooperate with Comoros and Madagascar

A European Interreg V Mayotte-Comores-Madagascar program has been set up to promote and co-finance cooperation projects designed and implemented by actors located in the three cross-border territories.

A word from the Director

What is there to say about the year that has just ended? So much has happened and the aviation landscape has changed so considerably that it will take us a few more months to analyze all the consequences. Aviation has experienced the biggest crisis in its short history and COVID-19 has significantly changed the way […]

2021, Towards strengthening collaboration with EUROCONTROL

Since its creation, France Aviation Civile Services has maintained an excellent relationship with EUROCONTROL made up of joint projects, exchanges of experience and debate of ideas. 2021 thus begins with 3 joint projects contributing to the performance of air navigation. FRACS accompanies EUROCONTROL to provide the Brétigny Research Centre with air traffic controller support and […]

The Weather Impact Tool for ATFCM is Becoming an Operational Reality

METSAFE and FRACS successfully combined their expertise to address the topic of meteorology for ATFCM through a fully automated approach and design a decision-making tool enhancing weather situational awareness and supporting the implementation of ATFCM mitigation measures. Through the SESAR Engage MET Enhanced ATFCM project developed in close collaboration with Reims UAC air traffic flow […]