Which approach to understand this air transport crisis

The current health crisis, along with various measures taken by the different countries, is unparalleled in the air transport history which is short enough not to have been confronted with major events such as the Spanish flu or other pandemics of large magnitude. Recent episodes of the coronavirus responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or […]

France Aviation Civile Services Accompanies AFIS Services in the Current Juncture

Since the beginning of 2020, the development of AFIS services has taken off at France Aviation Civile Services. Indeed, Airbus, Colmar, soon Amiens, Wallis and Futuna, have requested the services of FRACS for skills maintenance sessions focused on operational problems encountered and adapted to their particular reality. A unique and innovative process in the AFIS […]

M.Merhdad FARZIN POUR’s interview

He is an air transport specialist, and more especially in the evolution and data analysis field for several years. During his long career, he decided to create the Air Transportation Data (ATD) database that concentrates global results in commercial air traffic. Would you like to tell us the Air Transport Data (ATD)’s story, please? All […]

Country Sheets – October 2020

France Aviation Civile Services and the Covid-19

This title sounds like an adventure, a fable, or a novel to read during the summer. An adventure certainly, a fable probably because none of us had imagined such a scenario that still seems virtual in many ways, a novel, we will know in a while if it told a dark story or opened to […]

Cooperation with Taiwan despite confinement

Last March, a few days before the implementation of confinement measures in France and other regions of the world, France Aviation Civile Services signed a contract with the National Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology in Taiwan. This contract is part of the project for the acquisition of surface radars and ADS-B antennas by […]

FRACS and the STAC involved in the AWARD consortium to address the autonomous heavy-duty vehicles operations at airports

In April 2020, France Aviation Civile Services and the STAC (Service Technique de l’Aviation Civile, the technical centre of the French civil aviation authority) took part in the All Weather Autonomous Real logistics operations and Demonstrations (AWARD) initiative, led by EasyMile. The AWARD consortium has submitted an application to the European Commission, to develop a […]

2019 Air Traffic Results, a First Overview by Our ATD Service

We note the current situation of aviation worldwide and hope that air transportation will soon recover from Covid-19 and find a prosperous and sustainable vitality. The Air Transport Data team is feeding our databases with 2019 full-year results. The first data show a global slowdown in the increase of worldwide air traffic, the growth is […]