The Air Transport Databases Join DSNA Services Offer
/in AVIATION DATA, GENERAL NEWSOur Service Created by ITA (French Air Transport Institute) in the mid-’80s, then updated and developed by ENAC since 2006, the Air Transport Databases contain various information on worldwide airports and airlines. Organised in 3 sections : Airlines: detailed data from 600 airlines across the world are collected every year (quarterly for the most important) […]
“DSNA Services” Becomes “France Aviation Civile Services”
/in GENERAL NEWSWhy Change the Name? Founded as “DSNA Services” in 2013, the Economic Interest Group first began its activities in air navigation by carrying out its consultancy mission to air navigation service providers in various fields and particularly in the field of studies of redesign of airspace or optimisation of operational methods. Progressively, the scope of […]
Become an International Consultant? It’s possible with ID – the DSNA Services Excellence Institute!
/in GENERAL NEWSIn May 2019, DSNA Services organized its 3rd Institute of Excellence (ID), a four-day training program aimed to bring DGAC experts with the knowledge and skills to become international consultants for DSNA Services projects. The ID was born from the observation shared by DSNA Services, its members (DGAC and ENAC) and experienced International Experts, of […]
New launch! Airlines, Airports and Airliners 2018 full year results
/in GENERAL NEWSWe are glad to introduce you the new Air Transport Data trends bulletin, relaunched by ENAC and DSNA Services. In this quarterly publication (next in July) you will find facts and figures about the civil aviation industry, based on data extracted from our air transport databases. This quarter you will find : Main airlines traffic […]
An aeronautical easement plan for Bafoussam Airport : Our client’s voice ! – published on
/in GENERAL NEWSPublished on DSNA Services, together with the experts of the Technical service of the French civil aviation, accompanied the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA) for the development of aviation easement plans to improve safety at the airports. After completing a 6 months project, CCAA general director Mrs Paule AVOMO ASSOUMOU declared that she was “very satisfied and noted the […]
Seminar on safety oversight activities in Haïti
/in GENERAL NEWSThe project to build a safety oversight authority in Haiti, initiated in 2015, continues with French supervisory authority experts (DSAC). Over the past three years, nearly 20 experts have been involved in this partnership to establish, structure and operate an aviation safety oversight authority in the country, following recommendations made by the ICAO. On the […]
Highlights of the World ATM Congress 2019 edition
/in GENERAL NEWSDSNA Services participated to the World ATM Congress held in Madrid from March 12th to 14th. Fruitful meetings and exchanges with our members and partners highlighted our fifth participation : Through the « Airspace Design : looking forward » conference, in partnership with ENAC, we shared our vision and approach on how to imagine, simulate, […]